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Hawke's Bay A&P Society


Supporting Hawke’s Bay since 1858

From administering the showgrounds to running the popular annual show, The Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society has provided significant support to the region for many years.

Since the historic first show in 1863, the A&P Show has become a major attraction on the Hawke's Bay events calendar. It continues to attract visitors to the region and thousands of people through the gates every October.

Guided by the best rural leaders

The development of the society has been a mutually beneficial partnership with the region's agricultural industry. The organisation has been guided by some of the region's most respected leaders and it’s no surprise many of them have farming backgrounds. It’s a credit to those dedicated leaders and countless volunteers that the organisation has flourished through some of Hawke’s Bay’s most difficult economic times.

The history below is from the book, Hawke's Bay on Show. Its publication celebrated the 150th anniversary of the first show held in Havelock North. Author, Ewan McGregor, is a local man who grew up on the land and has a thorough knowledge of The Hawke’s Bay A&P Society.

Timeline of Society History

Society Digital Archives

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