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Showing Premium Section Sponsor
$230.00 Inc. GST
  • Your name on Schedule and Catalogue
  • Your name and logo on the associated section on EVO Events
  • Complimentary tickets: 2 gate passes and 1 parking pass

Please choose from the Section/s below, in case your first choice is already taken.
Section/s will be allocated on a first-in basis

Please state your selected class in the Additional Message area when you reach the Payment Cart, as seen in the screenshot.

  • First Ridden Section
  • Led Rein Section
  • Riding For the Disabled
  • Working Hunter Horses Section
  • Working Hunter Pony Section
  • Saddle Hunter Horse Section
  • Saddle Hunter Pony Section
  • Riding Horse Section
  • Park Hack Section
  • Hack Section
  • Show Pony Section
  • Clydesdale Inhand & Ridden
  • Clydesdale Working & Wagon

Your business will be supporting the A&P Society which is a Charitable organisation working for the primary sector.

For more information, or to secure your chosen section for sponsorship, contact